To ensure that every note of your coffee can fully express itself, it's important to use the optimal brewing process after you have your coffee in hand.
Indulge in the full-bodied flavors of Landrace Origins coffee by following our brewing best practices. Let your taste buds come to life with every sip!
For peak freshness, you’ll want to grind your beans right before brewing whenever possible. Be sure to grind your beans down to the recommended size for your brewing equipment.

-> Do not use tap water. The minerals and chlorine in it will affect the flavor of your coffee. Using an active carbon filter, like one found in a Brita or BWT, helps to attain neutral-tasting water.
-> White, bleached filters do the best job of preserving the coffee’s flavor. Others may leave behind a papery taste.
-> Store your coffee in a small, airtight container in a dark place to preserve freshness.
- Best with medium-dark or dark roasts, like Midnight Oil
- We recommend a 1:2 ratio of Espresso to Water; however, some prefer a 1:1 or 1:3 ratio.

1 part Fine ground coffee
2 parts filtered water
Brew Temperature: 200°F
Brew Time: 25-35 seconds
- Pour water into your machine.
- Put your ground coffee into the Portafilter, spreading grounds smoothly and evenly across.
- Use the tamp to press the grounds in the Portafilter down firmly.
- Insert the Portafilter in the machine and pull your shot!
- Best with light to medium roast, like our Kenyan or Congolese coffee
- We recommend using white, bleached filters to avoid a papery taste.

1 part Medium Fine ground coffee
15 parts filtered water
Brew Time: 2- 2.5 minutes
- Place your filter into the V60 brewer and rinse it with hot water.
- Place the V60 brewer atop a cup or carafe.
- Pour medium fine grounds into the filter and create a small indent in the center of the grounds with either your finger or a spoon.
- Bring water to a boil.
- Bloom: Pour just enough boiling water on the grounds to get them all wet. This is called the Bloom. Swirl around the brewer in a circular motion as soon as it is all poured. Let it sit and swell for 45 seconds.
- Main Pour 1: Pouring in a slow circular motion, spend 30 seconds evenly distributing 60% of water into the brewer, filling to the top (unless using 2 person-size brewer). Let it drain
- Main Pour 2: Repeat for another slow circular pour of 30 seconds with the remaining water.
- Use a spoon to stir in one direction and then again in opposite direction to remove excess grounds from the filter. Once the brewer is drained ⅔ of the way, pick it up for a gentle swirl.
- Allow the brewer to fully drain and enjoy!
- We recommend using white, bleached filters to avoid a papery taste.
- All roast types work well in the Auto-Drip maker. We love the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe!

9g (1 Tablespoon) Medium ground coffee
5 oz filtered water
- Pour water into the back chamber.
- Place grounds in the filter
- Power the machine on.
- Best with lighter roast like Kenyan
- The Chemex brewer functions in the same way as the V60, only larger and with longer brew times because of the thicker filter it .
- Make sure the filter doesn’t block off the airflow going in through the pouring spout. That will stall the brew.

1 part Medium-coarse ground coffee
15 parts filtered water
Brew Time: 3.5 - 4.5 minutes
- Place your filter into the Chemex brewer and rinse it with hot water. Dump the rinse water out.
- Pour medium-coarse grounds into the filter and create a small indent in the center of the grounds with either your finger or a spoon.
- Bring water to a boil.
- Bloom: Pour just enough boiling water on the grounds to get them all wet. This is called the Bloom. Swirl around the brewer in a circular motion as soon as it is all poured. Let it sit and swell for 45 seconds.
- Main Pour 1: Pouring in a slow circular motion, spend 30 seconds evenly distributing 60% of the remaining water into the brewer. Let it drain.
- Main Pour 2: Repeat for another slow circular pour of 30 seconds with the rest of the water.
- Use a spoon to stir in one direction and then again in the opposite direction to remove excess grounds from the filter. Once the brewer is drained ⅔ of the way, pick it up for a gentle swirl.
- Allow the brewer to drain fully and enjoy!
- Best with Medium (Congolese) to Dark Roasts (like Midnight Oil)

1 part Coarse ground coffee
15 parts filtered water
Brew Time: 9-10 minutes
- Pour your grounds into the press.
- Boil your water and then pour it into the press.
- Put the top on (do not press yet) and let it sit 4 minutes.
- Stir the crust that has formed on top. Scoop off any foam or extra floating grounds. Wait another 3-5 minutes
- Insert the press mechanism and push until the mesh is at the liquid line. Never push all the way to the bottom.
- Pour gently to avoid getting excessive sediment from the bottom in your cup.
- Best with our Majestic blend!

1 oz Extra Coarse ground coffee
1 cup of cold filtered water
Brew Time: 24 hours
- Pour your coffee grounds into a mason jar or airtight container.
- Slowly pour cold water into the jar, letting the coffee be thoroughly soaked up.
- Let it rest for 24hours. Place it in a cool, shaded place.
- Pour your cold brew through a filter.
- Add ice to your glass and enjoy!
- Cold brew can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container.
- Best with a darker roast like Midnight Oil, any roast works well
- Don’t worry about rinsing your filter or pre-heating the brewer!

1 part Medium-fine ground coffee
16 parts filtered water
Brew Time: 2.5 minutes
- Set brewer in standard position on a server. Start a timer, add water, aiming to wet all the coffee during pouring.
- Then immediately place the plunger on top of the brewer, about 1cm in. This creates a vacuum to stop the coffee from dripping through.
- Wait 2 minutes
- Holding the brewer and the plunger, gently swirl the brewer.
- Wait 30 seconds.
- Press gently all the way, it takes about 30 seconds.
Landrace Origins Coffee is a carefully curated selection of specialty coffees that pairs with cannabis; each coffee varietal contains a unique and delicious flavor profile that is sure to elevate your coffee brewing experience to new heights.